Aesthetics with Precision

What Is PDO Threadlift

The new, non-invasive, non-surgical facelift is now available at Aesthetics on Highland! Think of PDO Threadlift as a non-surgical facelift using an absorbable suture made of Polydioxanone (PDO). PDO threads are used to create lift and volume in areas of the face and body that have begun to sag due to aging. PDO suture has been used in procedures, such as open heart surgery, for years making it very safe to introduce to the body.

There are several types of threads used to accomplish the procedure:

Smooth threads for superficial wrinkles and lines

● Volumizing threads for defining lip borders and diminishing deep wrinkles or folds, such as smile lines

Lift threads that contain small barbs to lift the skin up and return it to its original natural position

Benefits of PDO Threadlift

  • Long-lasting results

  • Little risk of adverse reaction

  • Little to no downtime

  • Treats several areas of the face and body

  • May be repeated as necessary

  • Excellent alternative to a facelift

How does PDO Threadlift work?

The placement of the thread itself triggers your skin to produce collagen, the protein that keeps your skin smooth and tight. As your skin slowly absorbs the thread in the coming months, it's replaced by a new network of collagen. This means the results from a PDO thread lift can last a year or more.

Areas That
Can Be Treated

Breast Lift
Knee Lift
Arm Lift
Chest/ Decollate

Who is an ideal candidate for PDO Threadlift?

Whether it’s the first time you realized you’ve aged after looking in the mirror or if you have been getting aesthetic treatments and want something more, almost everyone is a candidate for PDO Threadlift.

This procedure allows you to add volume to your skin and simulate the results of a facelift to create a smoother look. For those who’ve maintained their youth with other aesthetic treatments, such as lasers and injectables, such as Botox and Fillers, PDO Threadlift will give you that additional lift that in the past could only be achieved with facelift surgery.

*Results and patient experience may vary.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare for PDO Threadlift treatment at Francine Queen of Threads?

The most important part of preparing for the PDO Threadlift treatment is to stop taking any medications and supplements that thin the blood at least one week prior to procedure, as these may cause bruising and prolong healing. Skin treatments may be necessary prior to PDO Threads for best results.

What should we expect during the PDO Threadlift treatment?

At Aesthetics on Highland, we use Accel threads, the latest and most advanced form of PDO threads on the market. When getting PDO Threadlift, your licensed and trained practitioner makes a small opening through which needles with threads are inserted. The needle is then removed, and the thread is left suspended in place to lift the skin.

When the threads are inserted, they cause the body to produce inflammation, which then signals the body to boost collagen production. This is how the targeted areas increase facial volume as well as volume on other parts of the body.

When will I see the results from my PDO Threadlift?

Results are immediately noticeable to you and continue to increase over the next few months as the body fully absorbs the threads. These results typically last approximately one year.

How long does it take to perform the PDO Threadlift treatment?

Depending on the area being treatment, it typically takes 1-2 hours to complete the treatment.

What to expect after a PDO Threadlift treatment?

There can be downtime with PDO Threadlift treatments. Most patients can return to work immediately following their treatments while others may want to stay at home for a few days. Possible bruising and swelling may occur. Threads will continue to produce collagen for up to four months when the threads completely dissolve.

How much does PDO Threadlift cost?

PDO Threadlift cost varies depending on the area to be treated and whether other treatments are performed at the same time. We can discuss the cost you during your consultation. At that time, we can also go over payment and financing through With Cherry.